July 30, 2007

I wrote my first computer programs on my fathers Commodore VC 20 in Basic. That was a long time ago. Since then I learned Pascal, C, Visual Basic, Delphi, C++, Java, C# and Ruby.
In 2007 I started freelancing. Obviously I’ll take programming work - but what I really want to do is to help you creating quality software. Fast. I know a lot about Software Development Processes - especially of the Agile kind like Scrum and XP.
If you’d like to know more about what I think is important in Software Development, have a look at my “Why we get paid”-Series.
I found Ruby on Rails to be very good for creating quality software. I want it to gain traction in Switzerland. If you don’t know what it is, you really should. Here is an offer: If you want to know more about Ruby on Rails, I’ll come to your company for a free demonstration.
Here are some things I coded in Ruby on Rails
Contact Details
homepage [at] jeromemueller.ch
Jerome Müller
Dornacherstrasse 15
CH-6003 Lucerne
Mobile Phone: ++41 78 843 25 73