First Swiss Testing Night - Impressions

June 12, 2009

Here are some impressions from the first Swiss Testing Night:

Screenshot Swiss Testing Night Website

Screenshot Swiss Testing Night Website

The Swiss Testing Night Programme. Three quarters of an hour to torment QA people with ideas about Testing by a developer.

Intro by Adrian Zwingli

Intro by Adrian Zwingli

I think this was the moment I was the most nervous: Being introduced by Adrian Zwingli (Chief Organizer). Everybody is ready, waiting for you. Then you realize: There’s no way back - only one way to go. That’s when most of the nervousness goes away - kind of like in baseball when you take the mound.

Setting up the stage

Setting up the stage

Setting things up. The remote control didn’t work, probably because the infrared receiver was blocked by the podium. And no headset style microphone - the room was set up for a speaker talking from behind the podium. No chance I was going to do that though. So I turned the podium sideways and picked the micro up - Rockstar style ;-)

Apologizing to our sponsor (HP)

Me apologizing to our sponsor (HP)

I think that’s the moment I realized that saying “one of the reason for the existence of bugs are bug tracking tools” might not sit too well with our sponsor HP - who sells Quality Center and Winrunner among other things.

Oh well - sometimes you step on somebodys toe - life goes on. That plus HP has a mighty big toe.

One of my favorite slides - reference to Starship Troopers

One of my favorite slides

This is one of my favorite slides (introducing the second part of the speech). A reference to Starship Troopers (how could you leave out a reference to the best movie ever, if your topic is “Crusade against Bugs”)?

Not enough chairs guaranteed at least a partial standing ovation

Not enough chairs guaranteed at least a partial standing ovation at the end

A misunderstanding between the organizers and the location provided for about 20 chairs - the other 80 people had to stand the whole time. Before the speech I thought about having people rotate after every part of the speech. That way most people would get at least 15 min of sitting time. I’m afraid I forgot. Not that it was a good idea to begin with.

All the photos here were taken by Stephan Wiesner (@Stephan: If you’re reading - thanks a lot for letting me use them on my site).

Posted by Jerome Mueller


  1. Ramon says:

    Oooh, congratulations! Completely forgot to ask when/how/what it went :)

    Hope everyone liked it and learned something :P

  2. Chris says:

    jm in the role of Johnny Rico…
    well done, Jerome, next time, I expect an invitation :-)

  3. Jerome says:

    Ui, sorry about the invitation. I would have thought of it but I was fighting on Klendathu until about 10 minutes before the presentation ;-)

  4. Raffael Meier says:

    Hi Jerome
    what a moment… I just discovered your blog, congratulations working for google ;-)
    I remember our days in kantonsschule rothen, such a nice time we had together…
    best regards and all the best luck for you! cheers!

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